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Facts about the Site

This website has been created to provide timely information about the Charlie Burch site in Spring Texas. Links lead to documents and photos that are provided to the State to show progress of remediation activities occurring at the site. The website will be updated on a regular basis. If you have questions, please contact us by sending an e-mail to Donnie Belote.

Property Details:

Physical Location 
Location Map 
Plume Map 
Cross Section

Removal Facts:

  • Former Landfill
    91,000 cubic yards of wastes removed and replaced with clean fill in 1999.
  • Source Area Treatment System
    Over 128 million total gallons of groundwater treated through December 2012; approximately 465,000 gallons currently treated monthly since the system upgrade was completed in February 2012.
  • 13-Acre Tract System
    Over 103 million total gallons of groundwater treated through November 2012; approximately 1 million gallons of groundwater are treated monthly.

The Charlie Burch Story

The Charlie Burch site industrial history dates back to the 1950s, and it has been determined that in the 1960s, an independent hauler used the site to bury wastes collected from several manufacturers. As a result of that contamination, in 1967 a Montgomery County judge ordered that waste burial activities stop, and the waste site closed.

In the early 1980s, the state of Texas approached several parties, including Rohm and Haas Texas, Inc., to investigate the status of the Charlie Burch site and develop a plan to properly close it. After several years of clean up, in 1983 the Texas Department of Water Resources issued a letter stating that the Charlie Burch site was closed in conformance with the approved closure plan.

In the early 1990s, the Texas Water Commission asked Rohm and Haas to perform additional soil and groundwater investigation work at the Charlie Burch site. In 1997, after several years of study, the site was enrolled in the Texas Voluntary Cleanup Program. Under this program, Rohm & Haas continues to work closely with the state to move towards a final groundwater cleanup.

In 1999, Rohm and Haas provided the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission (TNRCC) with a Response Action Work Plan to excavate the buried waste material and on-site affected soil to TNRCC Standard No. 2 Media Specific concentrations. Rohm and Haas worked very closely with the TNRCC to excavate the buried waste material and on-site affected soil. The excavated material was shipped to a TNRCC licensed secure disposal site, and the former disposal area was backfilled with clean fill, graded, and capped with low permeability soils.

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